Happiness Habit

by Brian Colbert


A key element to finding happiness is understanding what your (often unconscious) basic drives are and ensuring that these are being satisfied. Brian Colbert addresses the core questions that will help you discover who you really are. In this book he will teach you how to get past what’s stopping you from reaching your true potential and how to bring about lasting happiness into your life.

Research is increasingly proving that traditional methods of exploring negative experiences from your past doesn’t necessarily help you to move forward. The exercises in this book will help you train your brain to replace constant self-criticism and depreciation with more useful ways of thinking. Brian will teach you the skills, ability, direction and focus to develop the habit of happiness.

Many of us think that in order to change, we need therapy. This is not always the case – you may just need this book.

Using a series of powerful mind exercises, The Happiness Habit shows you:

– How to improve your relationship with yourself (and others)

– How to build your confidence and stay positive

– How to face adversity and overcome challenges

– How to live a happier and more fulfilling life

"The poet Emerson Said: "Knowledge eliminates fear". NLP has given me knowledge & workable tools that have cut right through my long held fears that kept me stuck. I know longer need theory, but something that puts power back into my hands - practical, usable power. NLP gave me what my extended library of self help books never gave me, it gave me back me."

CHRISTINA O’ROURKE, Counsellor/Lecturer

"The Business Practitioner was one of the most exciting and refreshing courses I have ever attended, I feel I have pressed the reset button for the rest of my life both professionally and personally. The course has provided me with the skills and techniques which not only enhanced my communication but my interpersonal skills as well. I have never been so optimistic about life in general, long may it continue."

CAROLINE O’LEARY, Training Manager

"I've learned an awful lot from Brian Colbert and he's made my life better along the way. His skills in creating change are phenomenal. That change could be learning vital skills or overcoming past issues and feelings that drag you down. If you want to develop your skills or overcome a difficulty I'd highly recommend Brian."

JOHN PRENDERGAST, Business Coach & Founder of High Impact Academy